The Kill Switch terminates internet connection once the VPN goes OFF to protect the user’s data even in the event of a VPN connection failing. A VPN without a Kill Switch is simply inviting this error. CyberGhost is a very popular VPN and while it is definitely one of the best VPN for Mac, it is also widely used and recommended on other devices including Windows, Android, and iOS. This is why many users have been wondering how to activate the Kill Switch with CyberGhost.
Is There Actually a Kill Switch on CyberGhost?
The issue of CyberGhost’s Kill Switch is one that has struck up a lot of conversation on tech forums as new users find difficulty understanding it.
They look everywhere in the app for the settings to the Kill Switch since they have been told the VPN comes with one, and end up frustrated with their search. What is the point of a VPN with no Kill Switch? Well, CyberGhost thought so too and felt very strongly about it as well.
A while ago, CyberGhost didn’t have this option in the app, which is made the users so infuriated. Many people doubted that it even has this option. However, with a few recent updates, the provider started including it.
Now, as you can see, you’ll be able to find it if you open the Settings menu in the bottom-left corner. Simply click on the button displayed in the image above and it will be turned on.
Learn even more about CyberGhost and its application >
Why Keeping the Kill Switch ON is a Good Idea?
While some users are dissatisfied with the permanent Kill Switch on CyberGhost and would like to be able to control it and determine when it comes ON or OFF, it remains popularly in use.
It is one of the most reliable providers with hundreds of VPN servers in the USA alone, making for strong VPN connections and less of a likelihood to fail and interfere with your browsing. This means you rarely get to notice the Kill Switch.
After the initial discomfort, users will come to see that there are some reasons why the Kill Switch being permanent is a good idea.
You Might Forget to Turn it ON
When you know you have a Kill Switch, you rest easy, knowing you are safe even if your VPN connection drops. However, if you can turn your Kill Switch ON or OFF, you could forget that you have turned it OFF recently, and not turn it back ON when you go online.
If the VPN connection drops, you might not realize it and continue your browsing not realizing that you are no longer safe. Having a permanent Kill Switch makes sure this does not happen.
To conclude, CyberGhost’s kill switch option is in the app. However, the provider saves your time by enabling it automatically, so you don’t have to search for it. Alternatively, if you want to disable it, which we don’t recommend, you can go to Settings and do so.

Flo is the founder of the-bestvpn.com. Really concerned about security on internet, he decided to create this website in order to help everyone find the best VPN. He’s got a Business School background and now is 100% dedicated to keeping his website alive.